Stunning real estate photography in Grey County, showcasing the scenic trail and rich history of Ceylon, just 1.5 hours from Toronto. Perfect for capturing your property’s essence.Show Your Listing is your trusted partner for top-tier Real Estate Media services in Ceylon.

Years ago, tea held sway, powerful enough to change a name of a town. During the late 1800s mail was confused between Flesherton rail station and Flesherton town. In 1899, it was decided the station would be named Ceylon.The name was coined through a parcel of Ceylon tea sitting on the shelf of a grocery store. Today, the railway line no longer runs through Ceylon in Grey County, it was replaced by a scenic trail.
Within a short one and half hour drive from Toronto, (even closer if you live in Brampton), you can explore Grey County and enjoy all the trappings of life in a friendly and scenic environment.

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